Sunday, October 3, 2021

Together For Joy 1 -Psalm 98:1-3, Luke 5:1-11

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This month we are invited to listen to God through Psalm98 and the gospel readings and think about our stewardship life, our commitments to Christ, through the theme, Together for Joy. While we see so many losses in the world mainly from the pandemic, but from other tragic events as well, we also have seen clearly the light of Christ among us as we stayed connected and worked and prayed together as a church individually and communally. Which means there are so many things that we can, we should, celebrate that show how faithful God has been with us, working through us to bring hope and love through our ministry when the world seems to need them more than any other time. Also today we celebrate Communion, observing World communion Sunday, celebrating the fact that all of us throughout the world, we are part of one body and we all are God’s beloved, we all are ministers, connected to Christ, in the places where we are. So it is true that we are here to celebrate and praise God today, in fact, every week. So while paying more attention to blessings as well as on bringing our compassion to the struggling, I want to invite you to join in our worship series of stewardship with joyful and grateful hearts rather than with a sense of obligation or burden as we come to understand what commitment to Jesus means to us.