Sunday, October 10, 2021

Together For Joy 2 -1 Corinthians 12:4-13

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This month we are invited to refocus our lives on God by examining ourselves, and how our time, talents, and gifts are to be used for God. Last week we read in Luke 5 that Simon sees what Jesus has done and they take a big step of faith. While praising Jesus, they were led to take risks to go all in for God.

Today we read 1 Corinthians 12 talking about different gifts, using diverse gifts for the common good.

Briefly reminding you, there were many divisions in the church in Corinth: between more conservative Jewish Christians and more liberal Greek Christians, between those tied to political factions and the politically free, between those who emphasize speaking in tongues and those who want to limit speaking in tongues, between the followers loyal to the teachings of Paul or Peter or Apollos. There were many divisions in this church and they wrote to the Apostle Paul for guidance, asking him, “What shall we do with all these divisions in the church?”