Lent 3 “Look for the Thirst-Quencher”
Exodus 17:1-7, John 4:13-14
The Samaritan woman at the well found out that the water she came for was not really the water she needed so desperately. This woman had looked for love in many places, in many faces, and when finally offered a soul-quenching love by Jesus, she became a powerful messenger of Good News. Just as the water given by God that flowed in the desert for the Israelites offered new life, the desert of our lives can be refreshed if we look for love regularly at the well of living water and offer life-giving water to others.
(SUNDAY MORNING 9:00am – We offer both In-Person Worship AND Online Streaming on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Hope-United-Methodist-Church-116517175038771)