August 27, 2023

August 27: “The Journey Begins” 

“Who Do You Say?”

Matthew 16:13-20

We seem to be always beginning. Or at least we have a tendency to speak about how we start our journey of faith. To some, that seems redundant. “We began long ago,” they might think. And that could be true. Yet, each day is a new beginning, a reaffirmation of the desire to be a disciple of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. So, once again, the journey begins.

Out of nowhere, it seemed, as they traveled along, Jesus asked his disciples a question of identity. “Who do you say that I am?” It’s a question we must answer again and again as we seek to become disciples of Jesus Christ.

(SUNDAY MORNING 9:00am – We offer both In-Person Worship AND Online Streaming on our Facebook page: